Cowan Capital utilizes Nitrogen risk management software to determine the following:
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Cowan Capital Market Updates are privileged information for our clients. To access, please enter your password.
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Effective portfolio strategies are those which provide a solution to one simple question.
Case in point. An investor needs $60,000 in annual cash flow from their portfolio. A $2.0 million portfolio can easily sustain this level of distribution over the long haul (35+ years.) The question then becomes what level of growth is needed to sustain this three percent level of distribution plus inflation. Assuming the long-term rate of inflation is three percent our hurdle rate is six percent. Does your portfolio need to set up to produce a ten percent level of distribution? In reality no. It can be structured for a more moderated growth rate which will provide the required cash flow plus inflation. In short, building a portfolio which produces enough wealth to allow you to achieve all your investment goals.
Cowan Capital utilizes Nitrogen risk management software to determine the following:
Next we construct and implement an investment portfolio consistent with the actual amount of risk and wealth needed. Click the below Research Process link to find out more about our research process and portfolios.
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